Financial Planning

Think Fast: Speed is Key in Today’s Market

As a prospective homebuyer in today’s competitive housing market you're expected to act fast. Cambria Mortgage is proud to offer the tools and technology that allow us to not only accomodate that need, but far exceed expectations. With the Cambria Mortgage Mobile App we’re able to stay ahead of the competition, leading to an exceptional outcome time and time again. Read More

Affordability Just Increased for Tons of Buyers!

Financing a home just became more affordable for hundreds of thousands of buyers… News recently dropped that Mortgage Insurance will cost less on new FHA home loans! Beginning March 20, most FHA loans will carry lower mortgage insurance premiums. Costs are based on loan amount, so savings will be even higher on pricier homes. With lower costs, you'll save on your monthly payment and require less income to qualify for the mortgage you want! Read More

A Drop in Rates Opens the Door for Prospective Home Buyers

The fear-inducing headlines surrounding the housing market are everywhere today. It seems we cannot scroll through social media platforms without coming across some sort of clickbait article spreading doom and gloom of what’s supposedly just around the corner. The unfortunate part of all this, is when information is consistently unclear it can generate a lot of unneeded fear and uncertainty within the market. We’re here to let you know it just doesn’t need to be that way. Cambria Mortgage has your best interest in mind, so we’ll get right to it and start this article with the facts… Read More

An Early Take on 2023’s Market

Let’s take a look back at the mortgage and real estate world we lived in throughout 2022, shall we? To be succinct, it was a tough time for the market. Interest rates continuously jumped, more than doubling over the course of the year while simultaneously home prices rose… Over and over again. After living through the glory of the pandemic housing market boom, 2022 conditions were simply challenging. Read More